Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My life in VSU

          Year 2009 when I decided to transfer at this university. At first, I am hesitating if my decision is right. Actually I am looking for a challenge because in my previous school I don't really feel that I am already a college student. It seems that my studies is so boring. And I have observed that every time our college will be having any occasions or parties I can't attend for their is an accident happens. Yes, very strange and weird but it really happen. During our acquaintance party  my elder brother died and the second one was the day of our Christmas party and I am about to attend the disco when my grandfather got an accident and he was under operation.My decision is final, I process my T.O.R. then enrolled here.

               No regrets, the challenges I am looking were here. Visayas State University, known institution and has a good name. Known for having a good of quality education. Known for having a good products. Known for having terror instructors. Terror instructor who graduated with master's degree or as a doctor of education.
                  My life here in VSU  has been challenging. First, I am an irregular student. As an irregular student I have a floating schedule. I don't have permanent companion. I have to walk alone, having snacks alone and doing my works alone. Yes, sounds like it is boring but it's not. I have a floating schedule. Sometimes I have a classmates who are taking engineering, HRTM, and other courses in other words I have a lot of friends and that's the advantage of my status.

              Sometimes saying "I can survive and do it  alone"  is not enough because the truth is,  it is really hard to be alone. No one to share with your difficult assignments, projects, and even with your exams. Once you fail, you will also suffer all alone. But I keep on praying that God will guard me and help me. Second, it is challenging for I am far with my love ones. Sometimes I receive a call from father or from my brother and I feel so weak if they call only for some family problems. Actually I got destructed because I can't focus for I keep on thinking about so many things, family family, family....
              My head aches, and sometimes I feels like I am in trouble. Sometimes I come up to a decision of stopping. Stop schooling! find work. But my mind clears up and realize that someone is hoping for my success  and thats my brother and sister. They are hoping for my help. My parents who works harder just to send me in College.

                What I have to do is to think positively, "all is well', "I can do it". I have to think of my future. A future who waits for my coming. Contentment, happiness, peacefulness, and survival. I have to be patience enough, I have to wait for that time to come. I have to walk forward with confidence, faith, hope, and love. I have to keep on thinking "success I am coming!".


                           And if that day has come, I will proudly shout and say to the world "YES, I DID IT!". And that success will only happen here at My Dearest University.
                            Life here in VSU is challenging. Life here is a race. Life here will not be easy without perseverance. Aim high, keep striving, and pursue dreaming. At Visayas State University all is well and possible.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Being a teacher is...

            What is a teacher? What kind of profession is this? If you try to ask some ordinary people about teacher's work, they will probably say, "It is the one who teaches children",sometimes other says "It is the most tiresome job of all profession", and some says "Teachers? they were one of the top "loaners" here in the Philippines". Very simple and funny terms they used to describe who teachers are like "loaners", "tiresome", etc. etc. But behind those simple terms, is a noble one an inspiration,  a model and a hero.
              Being a teacher is an enjoyable one. Dealing with children and watching them learning?,oh!  the feeling really good,and it brings an unexplainable feeling, right? As a teacher seeing their pupils learning makes them feel contented and happy. Being a teacher is a privilege, since you are given the chance to be like "GOD". We all know that Jesus is a teacher also, who preach and teach about the good news.  
                Like God, who molds us by His own image and likeness, teachers also molds us into a person who are knowledgeable enough, they are also the one who teaches us some values we never learn in our home. Like God who always leads us into the right path and don't allow His people to be in evil actions, teachers also done the same thing. They don't let their students learned something bad, they lead their students into an enchanting world of success and better future.
               A teacher's work is not just simply teaching. They act as second mother/father to their students. Teacher serves as student's second family and home, they make their student feel how to be respected, love and care. A home, for teachers protect their students and keep them safe.
                A teacher is like an actress/actor in a movie, for they pretentiously act as if  they don't have problems and shows in front of the class as a happy, jolly and strong one. They left their problems at home so that their students will not be distracted. Being a teacher is not that easy, most of their time were already occupied. At daytime, they teaches different classes and must maintain the level of their energy. At nighttime,  when they were home already, they still need to do their responsibility with their own family, and after that they have to sacrifice their time to rest for they have to finished their school works like, a lesson plan, and keep the records of their student performances. For me, it is the most noble profession. If I were ask to rank a teacher from 1 to 10?, I will surely gave them a rank score of 10,they should get the highest score out of all profession for they are the reason behind of people's success. "Teacher is a profession, who teaches all other professions". Yes, a noble one!
                Therefore, I am confident enough to say that "I am proud to be a teacher". Being a teacher is not just a profession but also a "paradise" where you can see happy faces and that's because of you.

About Myself

         My  name is Lorraine L. Chavez , 19  years old. I come from Javier, Leyte. Second year student , taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education. I was born in Metro Manila and we live there for 11 years. I   loved  to collect stop toys. My favorite color is pink. I also love cooking and my family used to affirm me that I cooked deliciously, well I don't know if it is true but I love to hear those things. I am good also in doing household chores.

          When my mother decided to go abroad I quit schooling for one year just to take care of my three years old baby sister and eight years old younger brother.
It is really hard for me to take place on my mothers responsibility, that's why father decided to brought us here in Leyte with our grandparent's house.

              I have my half-brother in my father's side , he is older than me, he is very nice he even treat us as his siblings.Before, he used to visit us and we do some bonding moments, he used to reminds us that once he finished his studies he will help and support us in our studies.
My Sorrow
It was year 2008 on the month of  July he visit us here in Leyte, that time he finished already his studies and preparing for his work as "seaman". He immediately went back to Manila, when one terrible accident happened, the bus where he ride "silver star" bumped. My dearest "kuya" died! Yes, I admit it was really painful, but every time I remember the things he said, dreams we build together and the promises he had made, it gave me an extra strength to pursue dreaming.

I try to reach the sky!
                  Until now, I am still the second mother, a sister and a student at the same time. I really love children, that's the reason why I choose this field. Though it says that teacher's salary is small one and not enough. But for me, being a teacher is a privilege and gracious one. Just try to imagine, teacher is the only profession that teaches all other professions!